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New formula I1 Smart Fabric now available 新製法「I1 Smart Fabric」の発売開始

2018年11月1日6月 21st, 2022Latest News


Gtechniq社は、不動の人気を誇るファブリックプロテクター「I1 Smart Fabric」の新フォーミュラをリリースしました。

「I1 Smart Fabric V2」は、従来品よりもさらに撥水性を高めたことで、こぼした跡が残らず、水分がコーティングされた表面から簡単に落ちるようになりました。実験室でのテストの結果、I1 Smart Fabric V2は、米国繊維化学者・色彩学者協会(AATCC)が定めた最高基準であるISO 5に準拠した撥水性を示しました。

Gtechniqのマネージングディレクターであり、新製品開発の指揮を執るRob Earle氏は次のように述べています。”私たちは、この新処方にこれほど感銘を受けたことはありませんし、市場に出回っているものの中でこれに勝るものはないでしょう。超撥水性と耐久性がさらに向上し、40度の洗濯機で洗った後も製品の性能を十分に発揮し、5回洗った後でも当社のオリジナル製品よりも優れた性能を発揮しています。


I1 Smart Fabricは、バイオコート®抗菌技術を付加したものと、付加していないものがあります。バイオコート®を追加した場合、処理された表面は99.9%のバクテリアを殺すことができます。

I1 Smart Fabricの技術は、通常の布地に防水性を持たせ、清掃を容易にします。I1 Smart Fabricは、あらゆる布地の浸水、膨潤、腐敗を防ぐために使用できます。車のソフトトップやインテリアまで幅広く使用することが可能です。

I1 Smart Fabricを構成するナノ粒子は、布地の繊維を1本1本コーティングし、質感に影響を与えず、素材が呼吸できるようにします。これにより、水や油性の液体をはじきながら、汚れた空気を逃がすことができます。

The largest manufacturer of high-end paint protection released the most advanced hydrophobic formula for fabric protection, today (Thursday 11 January 2018).

Gtechniq, formulators of the hardest wearing ceramic coatings, have released a new formula of the ever-popular fabric protector, I1 Smart Fabric.

Even more hydrophobic than its predecessor, I1 Smart Fabric V2 leaves no remnants of a spillage and moisture simply falls off a coated surface. Laboratory testing reveals that I1 V2 repels water to the highest standard set by the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) – ISO 5.

Rob Earle, Gtechniq manging director, spearhead for new product development, said: “We couldn’t be more impressed with our new formula, I’m not sure anything on the market will beat it. It’s ultra-hydrophobic and even more durable – the product remains at its full performance level after being washed on a 40 degree cycle, and even after five washes still performs better than our original product.

“The development in formula means customers can feel comforted that their cars are protected with the best, and spillages – whether it be milk from a baby’s bottle, or a coffee from Costa – will not stain or tarnish their carpeted surfaces or fabric seats.”

I1 Smart Fabric is available with, or without, added Biocote® antimicrobial technology. With added BioCote® treated surfaces will kill 99.9% of bacteria.

The technology behind I1 Smart Fabric makes ordinary fabrics waterproof and easy to clean. It can be used to prevent soaking, swelling or rotting on any fabric. From sails, tents and awnings, to your car’s soft top and interior.

Nano particles that make up I1 Smart Fabric coat each fabric fibre individually, leaving the texture unaffected, allowing the material to breathe. This means stale air will still be able to escape, while repelling water and and oil-based liquids.

I1 Smart Fabric is available from and all good independent detailing suppliers, at RRP £11.99 for 250ml.


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Notes to editors

Gtechniq was born out of pure science, the love of cars and the desire to create the best car care products, with a focus on protective coatings – the cornerstone of our success.

In 2004, scientists at Gtechniq created a superior line of products aimed at perfecting all car surfaces. And over the last 14 years, these products have been continually improved to provide a range that outshines and outlasts the competition.

Gtechniq’s line of surface preparation and finishing products are designed to clean, polish, and protect all automotive exteriors, in a way no traditional wax applications can match.

The Gtechniq range includes composite ceramic coatings, leather protection, fabric protection, wheel and trim protection, shampoos and much more. For more information about Gtechniq, or to find an Accredited Detailer, visit

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