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C2v3 Liquid Crystal C2リキッドクリスタル

2019年8月14日6月 21st, 2022Advice & Tips, Products

Durable Spray-on, Wipe-off Protection

C2v3 Liquid Crystalは、車の塗装面をより長くきれいに保つことができる画期的な製品です。

C2v3 Liquid Crystal is the revolutionary way to keep your cars painted surfaces cleaner for longer! This product is the go-to product for detailing enthusiasts searching for simple durable protection that leaves a show car finish every time!

C2v3を塗装面やホイールにスプレーし、MF1 ZeroRマイクロファイバークロスで拭き上げるだけで、紫外線や汚れから瞬時に効果的に保護することができます。一度C2v3を塗布すると、最長で6ヶ月間の保護効果が得られます。C2v3を何度も塗り重ねることで、じめじめした季節でも塗装面を簡単に美しく維持することができます。

It really is as simple as spraying the coating onto the paintwork and wheels and buffing off the residue with an MF1 ZeroR Microfibre Buff Cloth for instant, effective protection from UV and dirt. Once applied the C2v3 will give up to 6 months protection. By applying multiple coats of the product it makes maintaining painted surfaces easier to maintain during the seasons’ dull and dismal weather.